Behavioural Framework for Marketing and Communication Analysis
Setting out a Behavioural Marketing and Communications Framework for Analysing campaigns
This is a proposed framework for analysing the effectiveness of marketing and communications campaigns, specifically focusing on their impact on behavioural intentions and indicators. While my focus will be on marketing and political campaigns, this framework can also be applied to individual communications, institutional messaging, media content, and more.
I will be exploring and utilizing this framework in my substack on insomnia, which can be found here, and applying it to current political issues within this substack.
Why am I developing this? Because despite researching extensively, I have found a lack of comprehensive frameworks for analysing marketing and communication strategies used by corporations and political parties. Most resources only offer tips rather than a structured analysis. This framework combines various areas such as psychographics (target audience characteristics), targeting methods, values and beliefs, personality traits, socioeconomic status, demographics, geography, and targeted social identities.
Behavioural Marketing and Communications Analysis Framework:
Psychographic Analysis:
·      Who is the target audience?
·      How is it being targeted?
·      Values, lifestyles, beliefs
·      Personality traits
·      Psychological profiles
·      Socioeconomic status
·      Demographics and geography
·      Targeted social identities.
Behavioural Communication Analysis
A thorough examination of the behaviour and communication patterns of the individuals, groups, or organizations behind a campaign can reveal the psychological profile, intentions, truthfulness, and social identities they are attempting to display.
This analysis also delves into the techniques used in their communication, such as behavioural and neurolinguistic methods, as well as how these relate to the psychographic targeting of their audience.
The use of behavioural economic techniques and persuasion methods are also reviewed, along with how they may be trying to manipulate our beliefs, values, lifestyles, and personalities to elicit a certain response or establish a specific social identity with the brand.
Framing, Narrative, and Story Analysis
The way an argument, campaign, or narrative is framed can reveal a lot about the people or person behind it. By stepping out of the frame and examining it closely, we can see what they are intentionally including and excluding. This framing technique can be used to manipulate discussions by leaving out important points. Therefore, we must question why they have chosen this specific frame and what their intentions are. Who is truly behind the messaging? This type of critical thinking can also be applied to marketing, communications, media stories, and other forms of messaging.
Narrative analysis will also be conducted to uncover the use of metaphors, metonyms, and synonyms in shaping our perception of reality and creating a desired image. Additionally, the utilization of neurolinguistic and hypnotic language, presuppositions, and embedded commands is examined for their impact on the audience's mindset.
Finally, the structure of the campaign's story is broken down to analyse elements such as the hero's journey and how it ties into the overall messaging strategy.
Marketing Operational ReviewÂ
The campaigner's methods, strategies, and tools will also be scrutinized. The use of data in their approach and any potential bias could reveal their target audience and their motives. Comparison between the use of digital technologies and traditional marketing techniques.
Together with strategies such as remarketing and programmatic advertising also come into play, as any signs of collection and utilisation of uninformed data.
Which platforms are they utilizing? And how do they differ in their usage of each platform? These factors may provide insight into the authenticity of their message and who they are trying to sway.
PsychoSocial Analytic ReviewÂ
What is the method for targeting our unconscious desires? And what implications does this reveal about their intended emotional impact or chosen indicators for psychological manipulation? What can we infer about their target audience and society as a whole? We can use theories like psychoanalytic film theory to provide a broader framework for analyzing these tactics.
This is an analytical framework in progress. I am still framing it and looking at how it will work in practice. I hope you can join me on the journey.
This is a live book writing project. Copyright is protected. It is a first rough draft so I would love to hear any feedback from readers. When the book is launched all that are signed up for this substack project will be sent a free Kindle copy of the book as a thank you for subscribing.
This project is part of the writing projects.